A freshly paved parking lot with bright yellow lines sits beside a red barn, surrounded by green fields and scattered autumn-colored trees.

WISD School Parking Lot

  • Owner: Tanner Rowe
  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Size: 82,173 SF Parking Lot
  • Scope: Asphalt Crack Filling, Restriping, Seal-Coating

Limited hours to access the parking lot? Need to stripe in the middle of the night? Not a problem for Sommerset Paving.

Our expert seal coating team jumped at the chance to serve our local school district, meet demands for keeping the parking lot open and stripe it before the business opening.

Like a troop of ninjas (minus the violent part), we snuck in under cover of darkness, seal-coated the asphalt and vanished – leaving no trace but fresh parking lot stripes.

A freshly paved asphalt roadway
Red barn standing quietly beside a wet road reflecting fallen autumn leaves, surrounded by colorful trees under a clear sky.
Yellow parking lines on wet asphalt in an empty parking lot, with a grassy area visible in the background.
Freshly paved road with smooth asphalt winds through a landscaped area, bordered by sidewalks and greenery. Nearby, an empty parking lot and a building are visible under overcast skies.
freshly paved asphalt parking lot
Empty parking lot with bright yellow lines, wet pavement, and a modern glass-front building in the background. Overcast sky and scattered trees surround the scene.