First things first: you can reach us year-round, Monday to Friday, at 734 · 929 · 0641,, or 11734 Whitmore Lake Rd, Whitmore Lake, Michigan 48189. Now, back to our regular programming.
Sommerset Paving began because of communication problems. We couldn’t find a paving company that communicated well, so we made one.
Communication is an essential part of teamwork, and yet it’s a skill many construction firms fail to master.
At Sommerset, communication is central to our relationships with clients, partners and subcontractors. It’s why we answer the phone year-round. It’s why you’ll have one point of contact for your project from initial bid till final cleanup.
We believe good communication ensures a successful and efficient paving project. And there’s a deeper purpose beyond beautiful pavement: connection.

Driveways, roads, sidewalks, paths and parking lots. What do they have in common? They connect you from A to B, city to suburb, street to home. They communicate by connecting. They bring you safely home to what matters most: connecting with your loved ones.
People look at us funny when we say Sommerset solves communication problems. But it’s true – it just so happens that our solutions are more concrete than most. Concrete and asphalt, specifically.
So if you need help connecting the dots for a commercial, municipal or residential paving project in metro Detroit and surrounding counties, we’re your people. Contact us by email or phone, or fill out our quote request form today. However you prefer to get in touch, we’re here for it.
Sommerset Paving
11734 Whitmore Lake Road
Whitmore Lake, Michigan 48189
734 · 929 · 0641
Raves & remarks

Hours (& Months) of Operation
Our field crew works as much of the year as Michigan’s soil and weather allows – from spring thaw (May, typically) through early December.
Don’t want to wait for an email response? Call 734.929.0641 during business hours and a helpful human being will answer the phone.

We’re not just a family business – we’re a family in business. We’re always looking for hardworking, self-motivated people to join our family.
The people who thrive at Sommerset share our core values:
TICKIN, for short. Because our values help us keep on tickin’.
If that sounds like you, we’d love to talk.
New job posting: Grade Crew
In the midst of our busy season, we need another crew member to grade parking lots and roadways in preparation for paving.
A minimum of one year of experience on an asphalt or concrete crew is required.
To apply, please email your resume to, and include the job title in the email’s subject line.